Contemporary Chinese Artworks
Contemporary Chinese Artworks
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Artist Profile - 愛新覺羅 • 恆錦 Aisin Gioro Hangkam

Aisin Gioro Hangkam is a sixth-generation descendant of Emperor Daoguang, and the grand-nephew-daughter of Puyi, the last emperor of Qing dynasty. Her great grandfather Zaiying, and grandfather Puquan (Pu Songchuang), both are famous modern Chinese painters; her mother Aisin Gioro • Manka is also a famous modern palace painter. Since childhood Hangkam learnt painting from his grandfather, Puquan. She opened Songfeng Painting Chamber and collected plenty of calligraphy works and paintings by the Aisin Gioro family. She got meticulous guidance in painting from other two famous painters in the family, her uncles Pujie and Qigong. Hangkam is good at painting horses, flowers, birds, and portraits. Her painting style is bright and vivid.

In recent years Hangkam’s works get increasing attention. Her artworks got into the Poly International Auction for multiple times and commanded good price. She was interviewed by different media and actively participated in art exhibitions around China. Her artwork 《Quiet and Beautiful like the Lotus》participated in 2020 Made Culture Design Award & Competition in France and got the Best Design Award. In 2021 Hangkam was invited by the FC Barcelona to create an artwork 《The Splendid Chinese Landscape with Barca》, which was released on FC Barcelona Official Website in Chinese New Year’s Eve. Since 2018, she has cooperated with Shanghai Ethnic Musical Instrument First Factory to design the patterns on the head and tail of guzheng, combining the visual and audio aesthetics and getting popular. Besides, Hangkam is also an active participant in public welfare and charity. She joined charity auctions for many times to help children with disabilities and to build schools.

愛新覺羅 • 恆錦為清道光帝第六代後裔,末代皇帝溥儀的姪外孫女。其曾外祖父載瀛,外祖父溥佺(溥松窗)都是近代著名書畫家,母親愛新覺羅•文嘉亦為當代著名宮廷派畫家。恆錦自幼跟隨外祖父習畫,一九九二年在北京開辦了「松風閣」,收集愛新覺羅氏書畫作品,並得到著名書畫家溥傑、啟功等人的精心指點。擅長繪馬、花鳥、人物等,色彩鮮明、筆觸生動。


近年恆錦的作品愈加受到關注,曾多次參加北京保利拍賣,成績優良。亦曾多次接受媒體採訪及積極參加中國各地之藝術展覽。2020年參加法国舉辦的2020 Made Culture Design Award & Competition,獲得最佳設計獎。2021年恆錦受巴塞羅那足球俱樂部邀請創作《巴薩錦繡山河圖》,並於農曆大年三十於巴薩官方社交媒體平台發布。自2018年起與上海民族樂器一廠合作設計古箏(箏頭,箏尾圖案),將視覺聽覺美學融合在一起,頗受市場歡迎。此外,恆錦熱衷慈善事宜,曾多次捐贈作品予以「真愛夢想」基金會籌建學校。