Contemporary Chinese Artworks
Contemporary Chinese Artworks
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Anne-Sophie Nicolas

Anne-Sophie Nicolas

Anne-Sophie during an exhibition of some of her paintings in Paris in May 2012 in Everarts gallery (Paris 8eme) / Anne-Sophie 於 2012 年 5 月在巴黎 Everarts 畫廊 (Paris 8eme) 與她的展出畫作合影

From childhood Anne-Sophie Nicolas always enjoyed drawing. As a child, the best gift you could offer to her was a briefcase full of coloured pencils and felt-tip pens. Her child's drawings were very cheerful and colourful. She tried painting on various supports. However, it was in her teenage years, having received a beautiful box of pastels, that her talent really emerged. No need for her to take any drawing lesson, she quickly managed to produce from pictures large drawings like a touching Virgin and Child and a Taj Mahal full of nice reflections in the water, and many more... Then she switched to acrylic painting, first of all painting landscapes of her beautiful native France, mainly seascapes, sunsets on the sea... and later painting people: women, men, more or less dressed, large paintings, diptychs, mainly monochrome paintings with colour gradients, playing with shadows and lights, reflections and transparency. Chef in starred restaurants, another mode of expression of her artistic talents, she has little time to devote to her painting passion and it is often at the beginning of the night that she paints to relax after her long working days. Now 33 years old and living in Hong Kong, she couldn't resist painting the skyscrapers with their reflections on the windows and in the sea.

自幼時,Anne-Sophie Nicolas 從展現出了對美術創作的濃厚興趣。對於兒時的Anne-Sophie 來說,最期待的禮物是一盒又一盒的彩色鉛筆和水筆。她的童年畫作色彩豐富、充滿樂趣。隨後,她開始嘗試以其他形式開始創作。在十幾歲的某一日,Anne- Sophie收到了一盒美麗的粉彩顏料,幫助她充分展現藝術才華。區別于通過繪畫課學習技巧,她從影像中學習,描繪大型作品,例如動人的聖母子與聖安妮和在水中倒影的泰姬陵等等......然後她轉而使用丙烯顏料,創作風景畫呈現她美麗的祖國—法 國,從優美海景,描繪到海上日落後來創作的對象延伸至人體,各種女人男人,或衣著霓裳、或一絲不掛。她的作品類型主要為大型繪畫雙聯畫風格以漸變的單色繪畫為主,將光影、反射和透視的效果玩轉在筆觸之間。作為米芝蓮餐廳的大廚,精緻料理也是Anne-Sophie 展現藝術天分的形 式。因為平日工作忙碌,她常在夜幕降臨時拾起畫筆開始繪畫,在每個漫長工作日後通過創作找到內 心平靜和放鬆時刻。現年 33 歲的她居住在香港, 持續用她的天賦和畫筆,描繪這座國際都市中摩天大樓在夜色間交相輝映,燈光在海平面和窗戶上閃爍的動人美景。