Contemporary Chinese Artworks
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Artist Profile - 朱慧敏 ZHU Huimin

朱慧敏 ZHU Huimin 藝術家 吳冠中 artist 水墨





Zhu Huimin was born in 1972 in Yushan, Jiangxi province, and is currently residing in Guangdong province, China. Zhu is a professional painter, National First Class Artist, and National Senior artist and craftsman. He graduated from the China Academy of Art, Central Institute of Arts and Crafts (Now renamed Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University), and he studied under the mentorship of master Wu Guanzhong.

Zhu Huimin’s early works focused on researching master Wu Guanzhong’s visual language and re-inventing Master Wu’s style into more simplified and graphic shapes. Zhu uses the organic combination of point-line-surface (點-線-面) to create a new way of illustrating the sceneries of Jiangnan. After 2015, Zhu’s style changed dramatically from figurative to purely abstract, from rational to perceptual. The medium of Chinese ink on Xuan paper (Rice paper) remained a foundation of Zhu’s artwork, however, he also combined mediums like gouache, and acrylic into his work, and added torn paper to create collages. This made Zhu’s painting full of unpredictable excitement, mystery, and originality, creating a unique painterly effect. The small and large dots breaking the composition forms Zhu’s complete and unique “Comprehensive Ink Painting - 綜合水墨” system.

Later, Zhu Huimin visited Jingdezhen. There, he integrated the white and blue colors on ancient Qinghua porcelain with elegant sceneries of Jiangnan water town. He found spirituality within the breakage and vitality within the change. Zhu’s creation combined painting and porcelain into a unique whole and built a new world in porcelain painting. His work has been broadly appreciated by experts and collectors.

Zhu’s work has been exhibited around the world in France, Canada, Singapore, Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Hong Kong, and cities like Shenzhen, Huzhou, and Jiangmen in mainland China. He actively participates in charity work and public welfare. Zhu also corporates with many auction houses, with a single piece sold for 500,000 USD. His work was collected by a numerous government, museums, art galleries, and collectors.


1993 中國杭州 中國杭州水彩繪畫藝術邀請展 China Hangzhou Watercolor Painting Invitational Exhibition, Hangzhou
1994 中國北京 全國版畫新人邀請展 New Artists National Printmaking Invitational Exhibition, Beijing
1999 中國香港 「水墨點滴」當代藝術展 "Ink Drops" Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hong Kong
2001 新加坡 國際環保美術大賽 International Environmental Conservation Art Competition, Singapore
2005 日本神奈川 黑白話語—中日水墨交流展 Dialogue of Black and White - China-Japan Ink Painting Exchange Exhibition, Kanagawa, Japan
2005 中國上海 世界和平國際書畫展 World Peace Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition, Shanghai
2005 中國北京 穿越圓明園—水墨意象五人展 Crossing the Old Summer Palace – Chinese Ink Group Exhibition, Beijing
2007 中國香港 水墨-板塊—慧敏藝術展 Chinese Ink – Zhu Huimin Solo Exhibition, Hong Kong
2008 中國深圳 中國當代繪畫邀請展 Chinese Contemporary Painting Invitational Exhibition, Shenzhen
2008 美國加州 朱慧敏—穿越-時空水墨藝術展 Zhu Huimin - Traveling through Time and Space Chinese Ink Exhibition, California, United States
2008 美國舊金山 朱慧敏—穿越-時空水墨藝術展 Zhu Huimin - Traveling through Time and Space Chinese Ink Exhibition, San Francisco, United States

2008 中國廣州 第十三屆廣州國際藝術博覽會 13th Guangzhou International Art Fair, Guangzhou
2009 法國巴黎 東方印象—慧敏水墨藝術展 Oriental Impression – Zhu Huimin Chinese Ink Exhibition, Paris, France
2010 中國深圳 兩岸三地中國畫巡回展 China, Taiwan, Hong Kong & Macau Chinese Ink Touring Exhibition, Shenzhen
2011 中國深圳 朱慧敏意象空間水墨繪畫展 Zhu Huimin Imagery Space Chinese Ink Exhibition, Shenzhen