Contemporary Chinese Artworks
Contemporary Chinese Artworks
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Coloured by Sunset 落霞盡染
John Wong 黃約翰

Coloured by Sunset 落霞盡染

Regular price HK$42,800.00 HK$0.00 Unit price per

Size: 63×116cm

Medium: Ink and colour on paper 

Year: 2021 

Creation Concept: " The sunset glow and the lonely bird fly together ; the autumn water and the sky share the same colour."  I often paint the Shenzhen Nanao Golden Bay. When the sunset dyed the sky and water with red colour, I was always reminded of these two sentences from Wang Bo's poem, which can be called a masterpiece of ages!  Good pictures are like good poems.  Impressive works are those that can capture the scenery as well as express the emotions. 

創作理念:「落霞與孤鹜齊飛,秋水共長天一色」。 我常以深圳南澳金海灣入畫。當夕陽染紅天水一色時,必想起王勃的籐王閣序這兩句,堪称千古绝唱! 好畫如好詩。既能寫景好, 又能抒情抒得好,才是好作品。

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