Contemporary Chinese Artworks
Contemporary Chinese Artworks
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I of The Shadows - Dorothy Tang
Light of Love 愛之光

I of The Shadows - Dorothy Tang

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Title: I Of The Shadows

Artist: Dorothy Tang

Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Size: 60cm x 90cm x 3cm (Unframed)

Year: 2022.

The inspiration behind the piece stems from the concept of eternal love as a universal and multi-faceted form, at once light and dark, strong yet fragile. Its presence is felt, remembered, and expressed the most in polarity, free from the barriers of culture, religion, and language, undivided through the cycles of life and death. Even in the darkest places, its ethereal existence is the dream and hope that carries the human heart through the valley of the shadows.

The painting employs shifting layers of colours, like our intangible emotions, juxtaposed with strong brush strokes and a surrealistic composition of symbols derived from religions and vanitas paintings. __________________________________________________________________________

這幅名為愛於蔭影的作品是一幅 2022 年創作的布面丙烯畫。尺寸為 60cm x 90cm x 3cm(無框)。這件作品背後的靈感源於生生不息之愛的概念。它是一種無界限的、多面化的事物, 既光明又黑暗,既堅強又脆弱。它的存在以極端中最能被感受、憶起和表達。沒有文 化、宗教、語言的障礙,在生與死的循環中也沒有分裂。即使在最黑暗的地方,它的 虛無飄渺卻是人們夢想和祈盼,承載著人類的心靈穿越陰影的山谷。 這幅畫採用了不斷變化的色彩層次,就像我們無形的情感一樣,并用強烈的筆觸為這 超現實主義、源自宗教和虛空派繪畫的主題添上色彩。